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[Feedback] OpenSim für Einsteiger :-)
wow, ich bin begeistert wie schnell man doch Antwort bekommt. Danke erstmal dafür.
Und dann natürlich auch für die herzlichen Begrüssungen hier im Forum.

Also ich habe schon gemerkt, das Ihr mehr Infos braucht ;-)

1.) Home-PC mit xampp
2.) Fritz Box 7112
3.) Dynamic-DNS funktioniert
4.) Portfreigaben: 9000 - 9006 TCP /UDP -- 8000 - 8006 TCP / UDP -- 80 TCP
5.) Einzige Fehlermeldung bei Robust hochfahren: Freeswitch - No Serveradress given, cannot start service.
6.) die opensim.ini = Include-Architecture = "config-include/GridHypergrid.ini"
7.) die grid.ini


;; Please don't change this file.
;; All optional settings are in GridCommon.ini.example,
;; which you can copy and change.

    Include-Common = "config-include/GridCommon.ini"

    AssetServices            = "RemoteAssetServicesConnector"
    InventoryServices        = "RemoteXInventoryServicesConnector"
    GridServices            = "RemoteGridServicesConnector"
    AvatarServices            = "RemoteAvatarServicesConnector"
    NeighbourServices        = "RemoteNeighbourServicesConnector"
    AuthenticationServices    = "RemoteAuthenticationServicesConnector"
    PresenceServices        = "RemotePresenceServicesConnector"
    UserAccountServices        = "RemoteUserAccountServicesConnector"
    GridUserServices        = "RemoteGridUserServicesConnector"
    SimulationServices        = "RemoteSimulationConnectorModule"
    EntityTransferModule    = "BasicEntityTransferModule"
    InventoryAccessModule    = "BasicInventoryAccessModule"
    LandServices            = "RemoteLandServicesConnector"
    MapImageService            = "MapImageServiceModule"
    LandServiceInConnector            = true
    NeighbourServiceInConnector        = true
    SimulationServiceInConnector    = true
    LibraryModule                    = true

    Module = "BasicProfileModule"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:SimulationDataService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:EstateDataService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    ; for the LocalGridServicesConnector which is used by the Remote one
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData"

    NetworkConnector = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:GridServicesConnector"
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:LibraryService"
    LibraryName = "OpenSim Library"
    DefaultLibrary = "./inventory/Libraries.xml"

    Connector = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:FriendsServicesConnector"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:MapImageServicesConnector"
    ; in minutes
    RefreshTime = 60

8.) die gridcommon.ini

    ; ### Choose the DB

    ; SQLite
    ; Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";

    ; MySql
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use mysql storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=root;Password=meinpasswort;Old Guids=true;"
    ; Uncomment this line if you are using MySQL and want to use a different database for estates
    EstateConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=root;Password=meinpasswort;Old Guids=true;"

    ; MSSQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use MSSQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ; The value for server property is shown in your SQL Server Management Studio login dialog.
    ; (This sample is the default of express edition)
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MSSQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"


    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"

    ; Change this to your grid-wide asset server.  Do not add a slash to the end of any of these addresses.
    AssetServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide inventory server
    InventoryServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide grid server
    GridServerURI = ""
    AllowHypergridMapSearch = true

    ;; Directory for map tile images of linked regions
    MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ;; Change this to the address of your Gatekeeper service
    ;; (usually bundled with the rest of the services in one
    ;; Robust server in port 8002, but not always)

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ;; Change this to the address of your Gatekeeper service
    ;; (usually bundled with the rest of the services in one
    ;; Robust server in port 8002, but not always)
    Gatekeeper = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide grid server
    AvatarServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide presence server
    PresenceServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide user accounts server
    UserAccountServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide user accounts server
    GridUserServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide authentication server
    AuthenticationServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide friends server
    FriendsServerURI = ""

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ; Change this to your server
    ; accessible from other grids
    ProfileServerURI = ""
    Gatekeeper = ""
    ;; If you want to protect your assets from being copied by foreign visitors
    ;; uncomment the next line. You may want to do this on sims that have licensed content.
    ; OutboundPermission = False

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ; Change this to your user agent server (HG robust)
    UserAgentServerURI = ""

       MapImageServerURI = ""

    ;; Choose 0 or 1 cache modules, and the corresponding config file, if it exists.
    ;; Copy the config .example file into your own .ini file and change configs there
    ;; We recommend the use of the FlotsamAssetCache since this is most actively maintained.

    AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache"
    Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"

    ;AssetCaching = "CenomeMemoryAssetCache"
    ;Include-CenomeCache = "config-include/CenomeCache.ini"

    ;AssetCaching = "GlynnTuckerAssetCache"

    ;; Optionally, the port for the LLProxyLoginModule module can be changed

    ;Setup_LLProxyLoginModule = "9090/"

    ;; Authorization is not on by default, as it depends on external php
    ;AuthorizationServices = "RemoteAuthorizationServicesConnector"

9.) die robust.ini

; * Run
; * $ Robust.exe -inifile Robust.ini
; *

; * The startup section lists all the connectors to start up in this server
; * instance. This may be only one, or it may be the entire server suite.
; * Multiple connectors should be separated by commas.
; *
; * These are the IN connectors the server uses, the in connectors
; * read this config file and load the needed service and database connectors
; *
; *  The full syntax of a connector string is:
; * [[<ConfigName>@]<port>/]<dll name>[:<class name>]
; *
ServiceConnectors = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AssetServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XInventoryInConnector,8004/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:FreeswitchServerConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridInfoServerInConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AuthenticationServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:OpenIdServerConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AvatarServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:LLLoginServiceInConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:PresenceServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserAccountServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridUserServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:FriendsServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:MapAddServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:MapGetServiceConnector"

; * This is common for all services, it's the network setup for the entire
; * server instance, if none is specified above
; *
    port = 8003

    ; HTTPS for "Out of band" management applications such as the remote admin
    ; module. May specify https_main = True to make the main http server
    ; use https or "False" to make the main server HTTP
    ; https_main = False
    ; Create https_listener = "True" will create a listener on the port
    ; specified. Provide the path to your server certificate along with it's
    ; password
    ; https_listener = False
    ; Set our listener to this port
    ; https_port = 0
    ; Path to X509 certificate
    ; cert_path = "path/to/cert.p12"
    ; Password for cert
    ; cert_pass = "password"

; * The following are for the remote console
; * They have no effect for the local or basic console types
; * Leave commented to diable logins to the console
;ConsoleUser = Test
;ConsolePass = secret
;ConsolePort = 0

    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=root;Password=meinpasswort;Old Guids=true;"

; * As an example, the below configuration precisely mimicks the legacy
; * asset server. It is read by the asset IN connector (defined above)
; * and it then loads the OUT connector (a local database module). That,
; * in turn, reads the asset loader and database connection information
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService"
    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "./assets/AssetSets.xml"
    AllowRemoteDelete = "false"

; * This configuration loads the inventory server modules. It duplicates
; * the function of the legacy inventory server
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"

; * This is the new style grid service.
; * "Realm" is the table that is used for user lookup.
; * It defaults to "regions", which uses the legacy tables
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    ; Realm = "regions"
    ; AllowDuplicateNames = "True"

    ;; Next, we can specify properties of regions, including default and fallback regions
    ;; The syntax is: Region_<RegionName> = "<flags>"
    ;; or:            Region_<RegionID> = "<flags>"
    ;; where <flags> can be DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion, NoDirectLogin, Persistent, LockedOut,Reservation,NoMove,Authenticate
    ;; For example:
    Region_ringosland = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"
    ; (replace spaces with underscore)

; * This is the configuration for the freeswitch server in grid mode
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FreeswitchService.dll:FreeswitchService"

    ;; The IP address of your FreeSWITCH server.
    ;; This address must be reachable by viewers.
    ; ServerAddress =

    ;; The following configuration parameters are optional

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress
    ; Realm =

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress on port 5060
    ; SIPProxy =

    ;; Default is 5000ms
    ; DefaultTimeout = 5000

    ;; The dial plan context.  Default is "default"
    ; Context = default

    ;; Currently unused
    ; UserName = freeswitch

    ;; Currently unused
    ; Password = password

    ;; The following parameters are for STUN = Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs
    ;; See
    ;; is not guaranteed to be running so use it in
    ;; production at your own risk    
    ; EchoServer =
    ; EchoPort = 50505
    ; AttemptSTUN = false

; * This is the new style authentication service. Currently, only MySQL
; * is implemented.
; *
    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"

    ; for the server connector
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    UserAccountServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"

; * This is the new style authentication service. Currently, only MySQL
; * is implemented. "Realm" is the table that is used for user lookup.
; * It defaults to "useraccounts", which uses the new style.
; * Realm = "users" will use the legacy tables as an authentication source
; *
    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    ; Realm = "useraccounts"

    ; These are for creating new accounts by the service
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    ; AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    ;; This switch creates the minimum set of body parts and avatar entries for a viewer 2
    ;; to show a default "Ruth" avatar rather than a cloud for a newly created user.
    ;; Default is false
    ;; If you enable this you will also need to uncomment the AvatarService line above
    ; CreateDefaultAvatarEntries = false

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    ; Set this to true to allow the use of advanced web services and multiple
    ; bots using one account
    AllowDuplicatePresences = false;

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    LibraryName = "OpenSim Library"
    DefaultLibrary = "./inventory/Libraries.xml"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.dll:LLLoginService"
    ; for the service
    UserAccountService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    GridUserService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    SimulationService ="OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:SimulationServiceConnector"
    LibraryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:LibraryService"
    FriendsService = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    ;; Ask co-operative viewers to use a different currency name
    ;Currency = ""

    WelcomeMessage = "Willkommen Avatar!"
    AllowRemoteSetLoginLevel = "false"

    ; For V2 map
    ; MapTileURL = "";

    ; If you run this login server behind a proxy, set this to true
    ; HasProxy = false

    ;; Regular expressions for controlling which client versions are accepted/denied.
    ;; An empty string means nothing is checked.
    ;; Example 1: allow only these 3 types of clients (any version of them)
    ;; AllowedClients = "Imprudence|Hippo|Second Life"
    ;; Example 2: allow all clients except these
    ;; DeniedClients = "Twisted|Crawler|Cryolife|FuckLife|StreetLife|GreenLife|AntiLife|KORE-Phaze|Synlyfe|Purple Second Life|SecondLi |Emerald"
    ;; Note that these are regular expressions, so every character counts.
    ;; Also note that this is very weak security and should not be trusted as a reliable means
    ;; for keeping bad clients out; modified clients can fake their identifiers.
    ;AllowedClients = ""
    ;DeniedClients = ""

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.MapImageService.dll:MapImageService"
    ; Set this if you want to change the default
    ; TilesStoragePath = "maptiles"

    ; These settings are used to return information on a get_grid_info call.
    ; Client launcher scripts and third-party clients make use of this to
    ; autoconfigure the client and to provide a nice user experience. If you
    ; want to facilitate that, you should configure the settings here according
    ; to your grid or standalone setup.
    ; See

    ; login uri: for grid this is the login server URI
    login =

    ; long grid name: the long name of your grid
    gridname = "Ringos Opensim Welt"

    ; short grid name: the short name of your grid
    gridnick = "ringoswelt"

    ; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this as splash page
    ;welcome =

    ; helper uri: optional: if it exists if will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this for all economy related things
    ;economy =

    ; web page of grid: optional: page providing further information about your grid
    ;about =

    ; account creation: optional: page providing further information about obtaining
    ;                             a user account on your grid
    ;register =

    ; help: optional: page providing further assistance for users of your grid
    ;help =

    ; password help: optional: page providing password assistance for users of your grid
    ;password =

10.) die robusthg.ini

; * Run
; * $ Robust.exe -inifile Robust.HG.ini
; *

; * Configurations for enabling HG1.5
; *
; * HG1.5 handlers are: OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GatekeeperService
; *                     OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserAgentService
; * Additional OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AssetServiceConnector and
; *            OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XInventoryInConnector
; * are started in port 8002, outside the firewall
; *
; * The startup section lists all the connectors to start up in this server
; * instance. This may be only one, or it may be the entire server suite.
; * Multiple connectors should be separated by commas.
; *
; * These are the IN connectors the server uses, the in connectors
; * read this config file and load the needed service and database connectors
; *
; * The full syntax of a connector string is:
; * [[<ConfigName>@]<port>/]<dll name>[:<class name>]
; *
ServiceConnectors = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AssetServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XInventoryInConnector,8004/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:FreeswitchServerConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridInfoServerInConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AuthenticationServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:OpenIdServerConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AvatarServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:LLLoginServiceInConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:PresenceServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserAccountServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridUserServiceConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:FriendsServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GatekeeperServiceInConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserAgentServerConnector,HGInventoryService@8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XInventoryInConnector,HGAssetService@8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AssetServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:HeloServiceInConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:HGFriendsServerConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:InstantMessageServerConnector,8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:MapAddServiceConnector,8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:MapGetServiceConnector"

; * This is common for all services, it's the network setup for the entire
; * server instance, if none is specified above
; *
    port = 8003

    ; HTTPS for "Out of band" management applications such as the remote admin
    ; module. May specify https_main = True to make the main http server
    ; use https or "False" to make the main server HTTP
    ; https_main = False
    ; Create https_listener = "True" will create a listener on the port
    ; specified. Provide the path to your server certificate along with it's
    ; password
    ; https_listener = False
    ; Set our listener to this port
    ; https_port = 0
    ; Path to X509 certificate
    ; cert_path = "path/to/cert.p12"
    ; Password for cert
    ; cert_pass = "password"

; * The following are for the remote console
; * They have no effect for the local or basic console types
; * Leave commented to diable logins to the console
;ConsoleUser = Test
;ConsolePass = secret
;ConsolePort = 0

    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=root;Password=meinpasswort;Old Guids=true;"

; * As an example, the below configuration precisely mimicks the legacy
; * asset server. It is read by the asset IN connector (defined above)
; * and it then loads the OUT connector (a local database module). That,
; * in turn, reads the asset loader and database connection information
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService"
    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "./assets/AssetSets.xml"

; * This configuration loads the inventory server modules. It duplicates
; * the function of the legacy inventory server
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"

; * This is the new style grid service.
; * "Realm" is the table that is used for user lookup.
; * It defaults to "regions", which uses the legacy tables
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    ; Realm = "regions"
    ; AllowDuplicateNames = "True"

    ;; Perform distance check for the creation of a linked region
    ; Check4096 = "True"

    ;; Needed to display non-default map tile images for linked regions
    AssetService = "OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService"

    ;; Directory for map tile images of linked regions
    ; MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"

    ;; Next, we can specify properties of regions, including default and fallback regions
    ;; The syntax is: Region_<RegionName> = "<flags>"
    ;; or:            Region_<RegionID> = "<flags>"
    ;; where <flags> can be DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion, NoDirectLogin, Persistent, LockedOut,Reservation,NoMove,Authenticate
    ;; For example:
    Region_ringosland = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"
    ; (replace spaces with underscore)

; * This is the configuration for the freeswitch server in grid mode
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FreeswitchService.dll:FreeswitchService"

    ;; The IP address of your FreeSWITCH server.
    ;; This address must be reachable by viewers.
    ; ServerAddress =

    ;; The following configuration parameters are optional

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress
    ; Realm =

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress on port 5060
    ; SIPProxy =

    ;; Default is 5000ms
    ; DefaultTimeout = 5000

    ;; The dial plan context.  Default is "default"
    ; Context = default

    ;; Currently unused
    ; UserName = freeswitch

    ;; Currently unused
    ; Password = password

    ;; The following parameters are for STUN = Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs
    ;; See
    ;; is not guaranteed to be running so use it in
    ;; production at your own risk    
    ; EchoServer =
    ; EchoPort = 50505
    ; AttemptSTUN = false

; * This is the new style authentication service. Currently, only MySQL
; * is implemented.
; *
    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    ; Realm = "useraccounts"

    ; for the server connector
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    UserAccountServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
; * This is the new style user service.
; * "Realm" is the table that is used for user lookup.
; * It defaults to "useraccounts", which uses the new style.
; * Realm = "users" will use the legacy tables as an authentication source
; *
    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    ; Realm = "useraccounts"

    ; These are for creating new accounts by the service
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    ; AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    ;; This switch creates the minimum set of body parts and avatar entries for a viewer 2
    ;; to show a default "Ruth" avatar rather than a cloud for a newly created user.
    ;; Default is false
    ;; If you enable this you will also need to uncomment the AvatarService line above
    ; CreateDefaultAvatarEntries = false

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    LibraryName = "OpenSim Library"
    DefaultLibrary = "./inventory/Libraries.xml"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.dll:LLLoginService"
    ; for the service
    UserAccountService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    GridUserService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    SimulationService ="OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:SimulationServiceConnector"
    LibraryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:LibraryService"
    UserAgentService = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:UserAgentService"
    FriendsService = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    ;; Ask co-operative viewers to use a different currency name
    ;Currency = ""

    WelcomeMessage = "Willkommen Avatar!"
    AllowRemoteSetLoginLevel = "false"
    ; For V2 map
    ; MapTileURL = "";

    ; If you run this login server behind a proxy, set this to true
    ; HasProxy = false
    ; Defaults for the users, if none is specified in the useraccounts table entry (ServiceURLs)
    GatekeeperURI = ""

    SRV_HomeURI = ""
    SRV_InventoryServerURI = ""
    SRV_AssetServerURI = ""
    SRV_ProfileServerURI = ""
    SRV_FriendsServerURI = ""
    SRV_IMServerURI = ""

    ;; Regular expressions for controlling which client versions are accepted/denied.
    ;; An empty string means nothing is checked.
    ;; Example 1: allow only these 3 types of clients (any version of them)
    ;; AllowedClients = "Imprudence|Hippo|Second Life"
    ;; Example 2: allow all clients except these
    ;; DeniedClients = "Twisted|Crawler|Cryolife|FuckLife|StreetLife|GreenLife|AntiLife|KORE-Phaze|Synlyfe|Purple Second Life|SecondLi |Emerald"
    ;; Note that these are regular expressions, so every character counts.
    ;; Also note that this is very weak security and should not be trusted as a reliable means
    ;; for keeping bad clients out; modified clients can fake their identifiers.
    ;AllowedClients = ""
    ;DeniedClients = ""

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.MapImageService.dll:MapImageService"
    ; Set this if you want to change the default
    ; TilesStoragePath = "maptiles"

    ; These settings are used to return information on a get_grid_info call.
    ; Client launcher scripts and third-party clients make use of this to
    ; autoconfigure the client and to provide a nice user experience. If you
    ; want to facilitate that, you should configure the settings here according
    ; to your grid or standalone setup.
    ; See

    ; login uri: for grid this is the login server URI
    login =

    ; long grid name: the long name of your grid
    gridname = "Ringos Opensim Welt"

    ; short grid name: the short name of your grid
    gridnick = "ringoswelt"

    ; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this as splash page
    ;welcome =

    ; helper uri: optional: if it exists if will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this for all economy related things
    ;economy =

    ; web page of grid: optional: page providing further information about your grid
    ;about =

    ; account creation: optional: page providing further information about obtaining
    ;                             a user account on your grid
    ;register =

    ; help: optional: page providing further assistance for users of your grid
    ;help =

    ; password help: optional: page providing password assistance for users of your grid
    ;password =

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:GatekeeperService"
    ;; for the service
    UserAccountService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    UserAgentService = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:UserAgentService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:AuthenticationServicesConnector"
    SimulationService ="OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:SimulationServiceConnector"
    ; how does the outside world reach me? This acts as public key too.
    ExternalName = ""

    ; Does this grid allow incoming links to any region in it?
    ; If false, HG TPs happen only to the Default regions specified in [GridService] section
    AllowTeleportsToAnyRegion = true
    ; If you run this gatekeeper server behind a proxy, set this to true
    ; HasProxy = false

    ;; Regular expressions for controlling which client versions are accepted/denied.
    ;; An empty string means nothing is checked.
    ;; Example 1: allow only these 3 types of clients (any version of them)
    ;; AllowedClients = "Imprudence|Hippo|Second Life"
    ;; Example 2: allow all clients except these
    ;; DeniedClients = "Twisted|Crawler|Cryolife|FuckLife|StreetLife|GreenLife|AntiLife|KORE-Phaze|Synlyfe|Purple Second Life|SecondLi |Emerald"
    ;; Note that these are regular expressions, so every character counts.
    ;; Also note that this is very weak security and should not be trusted as a reliable means
    ;; for keeping bad clients out; modified clients can fake their identifiers.
    ;AllowedClients = ""
    ;DeniedClients = ""

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:UserAgentService"
    ;; for the service
    GridUserService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    GatekeeperService = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:GatekeeperService"
    PresenceService    = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    FriendsService    = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"
    UserAccountService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"

    ; If you run this user agent server behind a proxy, set this to true
    ; HasProxy = false

    ;; If you separate the UserAgentService from the LoginService, set this to
    ;; the IP address of the machine where your LoginService is
    ;LoginServerIP = ""

; * The interface that local users get when they are in other grids.
; * This restricts the inventory operations while in other grids.
; * Still not completely safe, especially if users perform inventory operations
; * while in those grids. The more the user accesses his/her inventory, the more
; * those simulators will know about the user's inventory.
; *
    ; For the InventoryServiceInConnector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:HGInventoryService"
    UserAccountsService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    ProfileServerURI = ""

; * The interface that local users get when they are in other grids.
; * This restricts the access that the rest of the world has to
; * the assets of this world.
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:HGAssetService"
    UserAccountsService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    ProfileServerURI = ""

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"
    UserAgentService = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:UserAgentService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:HGInstantMessageService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    PresenceService    = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    UserAgentService = "OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.dll:UserAgentService"
    ; This should always be true in the Robust config
    InGatekeeper = True

    ; If you have an Offline IM server, set the vars in this section, so that
    ; incomming IMs to local users from foreign grids can be saved
    ;# {OfflineMessageURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule} {URL of offline messaging service} {}
    ;; URL of web service for offline message storage
    ; OfflineMessageURL = http://yourserver/Offline.php

    ;; Control whether group messages are forwarded to offline users.
    ;; Default is true.
    ;; This applies to the core groups module (Flotsam) only.
    ; ForwardOfflineGroupMessages = true

Sollte ich denn wirklich bei allem Eifer was übersehen haben, man möge es mir verzeihen ;-)
Der erste Erfolg vom eigenen PC aus und von seiner eigenen Welt aus ins WWW zu reisen (standalonehypergrid) war schon überwältigend ;-)
Naja und im Rausch des Erfolges kann man schonmal was übersehen oder?

Ich würde mich echt freuen wenn es nur an einem kleinen Fehler liegen würde der schnell zu beheben ist.
Denn ich habe mich auch schon bei Dorenas World angemeldet (einfach fantastisch) und erwäge wenn alles klappt auch einen V-Server zu mieten und mich anzudocken :-)

Also vorab schon mal vielen Dank an alle die sich Mühe machen mir zu helfen.

LG der heimliche

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: [Feedback] OpenSim für Einsteiger :-) - von heimlicher - 17.02.2012, 19:59

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