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So ich hab mal deine Ini Datei den BBCode Code getan, dann ist der Post nicht so lang ;D Das ist der mit der #, dann wird das ganze auch übersichtlicher, wenn mehere Ini's gepostet werden müssen ;D
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
(17.11.2014, 15:01)Bogus Curry schrieb: So ich hab mal deine Ini Datei den BBCode Code getan, dann ist der Post nicht so lang ;D Das ist der mit der #, dann wird das ganze auch übersichtlicher, wenn mehere Ini's gepostet werden müssen ;D

Gute Idee Bogus, hab die gleiche Änderung auch für davorliegenden Codes nachgezogen ... macht das Ganze in der Tat erheblich lesbarer Cool
Wer nicht weiss wohin er will, der kommt leicht woanders hin.
ja manchmal hat auch der alte Bogus gut Ideen, lieber Ana ;D
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
Hi Danke Leute für eure Bemühungen ,bin da gerade auf einen Fehler gestoßen ,habe 2 Domains und 2 Ip Adressen ,nach außen weist aber nur eine Ip auf beide Domains ,werde das erst mal beheben bzw mit meinem Provider reden ,warum das so ist obwohl meine Config da anders lautet ???? ,bevor ich weiter machen .

ps 2 Fehler habt ihr ja schon gefunden ,ergo wird bald mal klappen Smile

Hallo Gemeinde,
ich bin nicht wirklich unerfahren aber auch nicht gefestigt im Umgang mit Open Sim.

Keine Ahnung ob ich jetzt ein eigenes Thema eröffnen soll oder nicht ^^ Ich benutze erst mal das hier, weil die Überschrift gut ist Wink

Ich möchte Open Sim im Grid Mode betreiben.
In der Vers. gibts keine ugain services. Nur mal so erwähnt. Danke mal das die nicht mehr gebraucht werden???
ok egal zunächst.
Ich starte Robust.exe und läuft ohne Fehler durch, danach die OpenSim.exe.
Ein Error kommt dann wen ich den User anlegen soll. Nach dem ich meinen Nachnamen angegeben habe und Enter drücke, gibt er eine Fehlermeldung ab.

2016-09-11 08:42:16,077 DEBUG (1) - OpenSim.Services.Connectors.UserAccountServicesConnector [ACCOUNT CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting user accounts server at
2016-09-11 08:42:16,080 ERROR (1) - OpenSim.Application [APPLICATION]:
APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

Exception: System.Xml.XmlException: Document element did not appear. Line 1, position 1.
at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNodeCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNode (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml (System.String xml) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Server.Base.ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse (System.String data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Services.Connectors.UserAccountServicesConnector.SendAndGetReply (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 sendData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Services.Connectors.UserAccountServicesConnector.GetUserAccount (UUID scopeID, System.String firstName, System.String lastName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.UserAccounts.RemoteUserAccountServicesConnector.GetUserAccount (UUID scopeID, System.String firstName, System.String lastName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.SetUpEstateOwner (OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, Boolean do_post_init, IScene& mscene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, IScene& scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.LoadRegions.LoadRegionsPlugin.PostInitialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimServer.Startup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Application is terminating: True

Irgendetwas mit dem Account Conecter stimmt nicht? Hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen mein Grid auf zu setzen Big Grin Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar dafür.
Soll ich den selben Usernamen verwenden den ich auch im Robust angegeben habe?

Betriebsystem Debian 7, 32 bit
Erst einmal ein herzliches Willkommen bei uns im "Gridtalk", Mangogold. Smile

Zitat:Soll ich den selben Usernamen verwenden den ich auch im Robust angegeben habe?

Jap, so muss es sein, da User grundsätzlich nur im Robust angelegt werden. Die SIM , welche du in der OpenSim.exe erstellst, kann nur auf einen Estate-owner verweisen, welcher zuvor im Robust angelegt wurde.
(11.09.2016, 09:12)Dorena Verne schrieb: Erst einmal ein herzliches Willkommen bei uns im "Gridtalk", Mangogold. Smile

Zitat:Soll ich den selben Usernamen verwenden den ich auch im Robust angegeben habe?

Jap, so muss es sein, da User grundsätzlich nur im Robust angelegt werden. Die SIM , welche du in der OpenSim.exe erstellst, kann nur auf einen Estate-owner verweisen, welcher zuvor im Robust angelegt wurde.

Ja habe ich gemacht und dann kommt der oben aufgeführte Error
Um nicht im Trüben zu fischen, poste doch bitte mal deine RobustHG.ini und die GridCommon.ini,...und die OpenSim.ini.
(11.09.2016, 09:41)Dorena Verne schrieb: Um nicht im Trüben zu fischen, poste doch bitte mal deine RobustHG.ini und die GridCommon.ini,...und die OpenSim.ini.

ok mache ich, Kannst du mir bitte sagen welcher befehl mir die Nutzer im Robust anzeigt.

; * Run
; * $ Robust.exe -inifile Robust.ini
; *
; **
; *
; * The Const section allows us to define some basic information that we
; * will use throughout our configuration. We will provide examples for
; * setting the base url of the Robust server and the public and private ports
; * it uses. Changing the values of the constants will set the operating
; * parameters thoughout the configuration. Other constants that may prove
; * to be useful may be added to the followin section. They may be
; * referenced anywhere in the configuration by using ${Const|Name}. One
; * such use is providing a base path for setting locations that Robust
; * uses to write data.
; *

    ; The URL of the Robust server
    BaseURL = ""
    ; The public port of the Robust server
    PublicPort = "8002"

    ; The private port of the Robust server
    PrivatePort = "8003"

; * The startup section lists all the connectors to start up in this server
; * instance. This may be only one, or it may be the entire server suite.
; * Multiple connectors should be separated by commas.
; *
; * These are the IN connectors the server uses, the in connectors
; * read this config file and load the needed service and database connectors
; *
; *  The full syntax of a connector string is:
; * [[<ConfigName>@]<port>/]<dll name>[:<class name>]
; *
    ; Place to create a PID file
    ; If no path if specified then a PID file is not created.
    ; PIDFile = "/tmp/"

    ; Plugin Registry Location
    ; Set path to directory for plugin registry. Information
    ; about the registered repositories and installed plugins
    ; will be stored here
    ; The Robust.exe process must have R/W access to the location
    RegistryLocation = "./addins-registry"

    ; Modular configurations
    ; Set path to directory for modular ini files...
    ; The Robust.exe process must have R/W access to the location
    ConfigDirectory = "./addins-config"
    ; Console commands can be saved to a file, so the command history persists after a restart. (default is true)
    ConsoleHistoryFileEnabled = true

    ; The history file can be just a filename (relative to OpenSim's bin/ directory
    ; or it can be a full path to somewhere else. (default is OpenSimConsoleHistory.txt in bin/)
    ConsoleHistoryFile = "RobustConsoleHistory.txt"

    ; How many lines of command history should we keep? (default is 100)
    ConsoleHistoryFileLines = 100
    AssetServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AssetServiceConnector"
    InventoryInConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XInventoryInConnector"
    ;; Uncomment if you have set up Freeswitch (see [FreeswitchService] below)
    ;VoiceConnector = "8004/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:FreeswitchServerConnector"
    GridServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridServiceConnector"
    GridInfoServerInConnector = "8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridInfoServerInConnector"
    AuthenticationServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AuthenticationServiceConnector"
    OpenIdServerConnector = "8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:OpenIdServerConnector"
    AvatarServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AvatarServiceConnector"
    LLLoginServiceInConnector = "8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:LLLoginServiceInConnector"
    PresenceServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:PresenceServiceConnector"
    UserAccountServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserAccountServiceConnector"
    GridUserServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:GridUserServiceConnector"
    AgentPreferencesServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:AgentPreferencesServiceConnector"
    FriendsServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:FriendsServiceConnector"
    MapAddServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:MapAddServiceConnector"
    MapGetServiceConnector = "8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:MapGetServiceConnector"
    ;; Uncomment this if you want offline IM to work
    ;OfflineIMServiceConnector = "${Const|PrivatePort}/OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMServiceRobustConnector"
    ;; Uncomment this if you want Groups V2 to work
    ;GroupsServiceConnector = "${Const|PrivatePort}/OpenSim.Addons.Groups.dll:GroupsServiceRobustConnector"
    ;; Uncomment to provide bakes caching
    ;BakedTextureService = "${Const|PrivatePort}/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XBakesConnector"

    ;; Uncomment for UserProfiles see [UserProfilesService] to configure...
    ; UserProfilesServiceConnector = "${Const|PublicPort}/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserProfilesConnector"

    ;; Uncomment if you want to have centralized estate data
    ; EstateDataService = "${Const|PrivatePort}/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:EstateDataRobustConnector"

; * This is common for all services, it's the network setup for the entire
; * server instance, if none is specified above
; *
    port = 8003

    ; HTTPS for "Out of band" management applications such as the remote admin
    ; module. May specify https_main = True to make the main http server
    ; use https or "False" to make the main server HTTP
    ; https_main = False
    ; Create https_listener = "True" will create a listener on the port
    ; specified. Provide the path to your server certificate along with it's
    ; password
    ; https_listener = False
    ; Set our listener to this port
     ; https_port = 8002
    ; Path to X509 certificate
    ; cert_path = "path/to/cert.p12"
    ; Password for cert
    ; cert_pass = "password"

    ;; The follow 3 variables are for HTTP Basic Authentication for the Robust services.
    ;; Use this if your central services in port ${Const|PrivatePort} need to be accessible on the Internet
    ;; but you want to protect them from unauthorized access.
    ; AuthType = "BasicHttpAuthentication"
    ; HttpAuthUsername = "some_username"
    ; HttpAuthPassword = "some_password"
    ;; AuthType above can be overriden in any of the service sections below by
    ; AuthType = "None"
    ;; This is useful in cases where you want to protect most of the services,
    ;; but unprotect individual services. Username and Password can also be
    ;; overriden if you want to use different credentials for the different services.
    ;; By default, scripts are not allowed to call private services via llHttpRequest()
    ;; Such calls are detected by the X-SecondLife-Shared HTTP header
    ;; If you allow such calls you must be sure that they are restricted to very trusted scripters
    ;; (remember scripts can also be in visiting avatar attachments).
    ;; This can be overriden in individual private service sections if necessary
    AllowllHTTPRequestIn = false

    ; * The following are for the remote console
    ; * They have no effect for the local or basic console types
    ; * Leave commented to diable logins to the console
    ;ConsoleUser = Test
    ;ConsolePass = secret
    ;ConsolePort = 0

    ;# {AllowedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of allowed clients} {}
    ;; Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a substring of the viewer name to enable only certain
    ;; versions
    ;; Example: Agent uses the viewer "Imprudence"
    ;; - "Imprudence" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has no access
    ; AllowedClients = ""

    ;# {DeniedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of denied clients} {}
    ;; Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may not gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a Substring of the viewer name to disable only certain
    ;; versions
    ;; Example: Agent uses the viewer "Imprudence"
    ;; - "Imprudence" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has access
    ; DeniedClients = ""

    ; PGSQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use PGSQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.PGSQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"

    ; MySQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use MySQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=***;User ID=***;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"

; * As an example, the below configuration precisely mimicks the legacy
; * asset server. It is read by the asset IN connector (defined above)
; * and it then loads the OUT connector (a local database module). That,
; * in turn, reads the asset loader and database connection information
; *

    ;; Choose an asset service (Only one option should be enabled)
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService"
    ;LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FSAssetService.dll:FSAssetConnector"
    ;; FSAsset Directories. Base directory, where final asset files are stored and Spool directory for temp files
    ;; These directories must be on the same physical filesystem
    ;BaseDirectory = "./fsassets/data"
    ;SpoolDirectory = "./fsassets/tmp"
    ;; Original service can be checked if FSAssets can not find an asset
    ;FallbackService = "OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService";
    ;; How many days since last updating the access time before its updated again by FSAssets when accessing an asset
    ;; Reduces DB calls if asset is requested often. Default value 0 will always update access time
    ;DaysBetweenAccessTimeUpdates = 30
    ;; FSAssets Custom Database Config (Leave blank to use grids default database configuration)
    ;StorageProvider = ""
    ;ConnectionString = ""
    ;Realm = "fsassets"
    ;; The following are common to both the default asset service and FSAsset service
    ;; Default loader for loading default assets from XML on first run
    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "./assets/AssetSets.xml"

    ; Allow maptile assets to remotely deleted by remote calls to the asset service.
    ; There is no harm in having this as false - it just means that historical maptile assets are not deleted.
    ; This only applies to maptiles served via the version 1 viewer mechanisms
    ; Default is false
    AllowRemoteDelete = false

    ; Allow all assets to be remotely deleted.
    ; Only set this to true if you are operating a grid where you control all calls to the asset service
    ; (where a necessary condition is that you control all simulators) and you need this for admin purposes.
    ; If set to true, AllowRemoteDelete = true is required as well.
    ; Default is false.
    AllowRemoteDeleteAllTypes = false

; * This configuration loads the inventory server modules. It duplicates
; * the function of the legacy inventory server
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"

    ; Will calls to purge folders (empty trash) and immediately delete/update items or folders (not move to trash first) succeed?
    ; If this is set to false then some other arrangement must be made to perform these operations if necessary.
    AllowDelete = true

; * This is the new style grid service.
; * "Realm" is the table that is used for user lookup.
; * It defaults to "regions", which uses the legacy tables
; *
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    ; Realm = "regions"
    ; AllowDuplicateNames = "True"

    ;; Next, we can specify properties of regions, including default and fallback regions
    ;; The syntax is: Region_<RegionName> = "<flags>"
    ;; or:            Region_<RegionID> = "<flags>"
    ;; where <flags> can be DefaultRegion, DefaultHGRegion, FallbackRegion, NoDirectLogin, Persistent, LockedOut, Reservation, NoMove, Authenticate
    ;; DefaultRegion    If a local login cannot be placed in the required region (e.g. home region does not exist, avatar is not allowed entry, etc.)
    ;;                  then this region becomes the destination.  Only the first online default region will be used.  If no DefaultHGRegion
    ;;                  is specified then this will also be used as the region for hypergrid connections that require it (commonly because they have not specified
    ;;                  an explicit region.
    ;; DefaultHGRegion  If an avatar connecting via the hypergrid does not specify a region, then they are placed here.  Only the first online
    ;;                  region will be used.
    ;; FallbackRegion   If the DefaultRegion is not available for a local login, then any FallbackRegions are tried instead.  These are tried in the
    ;;                  order specified.  This only applies to local logins at this time, not Hypergrid connections.
    ;; NoDirectLogin    A hypergrid user cannot directly connect to this region.  This does not apply to local logins.
    ;; Persistent       When the simulator is shutdown, the region is signalled as offline but left registered on the grid.
    ;; Example specification:
    ; Region_Welcome_Area = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"
    ; (replace spaces with underscore)

    ;; Allow supporting viewers to export content
    ;; Set to false to prevent export
    ExportSupported = true

; * This is the configuration for the freeswitch server in grid mode
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FreeswitchService.dll:FreeswitchService"

    ;; The IP address of your FreeSWITCH server.
    ;; This address must be reachable by viewers.
    ; ServerAddress =

    ;; The following configuration parameters are optional

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress
    ; Realm =

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress on port 5060
    ; SIPProxy =

    ;; Default is 5000ms
    ; DefaultTimeout = 5000

    ;; The dial plan context.  Default is "default"
    ; Context = default

    ;; Currently unused
    ; UserName = freeswitch

    ;; Currently unused
    ; Password = password

    ;; The following parameters are for STUN = Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs
    ;; See
    ;; is not guaranteed to be running so use it in
    ;; production at your own risk    
    ; EchoServer =
    ; EchoPort = 50505
    ; AttemptSTUN = false

; * This is the new style authentication service. Currently, only MySQL
; * is implemented.
; *
    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"

    ;; Allow the service to process HTTP getauthinfo calls.
    ;; Default is false.
    ; AllowGetAuthInfo = false

    ;; Allow the service to process HTTP setauthinfo calls.
    ;; Default is false.
    ; AllowSetAuthInfo = false

    ;; Allow the service to process HTTP setpassword calls.
    ;; Default is false.
    ; AllowSetPassword = false

    ; for the server connector
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    UserAccountServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"

; * This is the new style authentication service. Currently, only MySQL
; * is implemented. "Realm" is the table that is used for user lookup.
; * It defaults to "useraccounts", which uses the new style.
; * Realm = "users" will use the legacy tables as an authentication source
; *
    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    ; Realm = "useraccounts"

    ; These are for creating new accounts by the service
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"
    GridUserService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"

    ;; This switch creates the minimum set of body parts and avatar entries for a viewer 2
    ;; to show a default "Ruth" avatar rather than a cloud for a newly created user.
    ;; Default is false
    CreateDefaultAvatarEntries = true

    ;; Allow the service to process HTTP createuser calls.
    ;; Default is false.
    ; AllowCreateUser = false

    ;; Allow the service to process HTTP setaccount calls.
    ;; Default is false.
    ; AllowSetAccount = false

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:AgentPreferencesService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    ; Set this to true to allow the use of advanced web services and multiple
    ; bots using one account
    AllowDuplicatePresences = false;

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.EstateService.dll:EstateDataService"

    LibraryName = "OpenSim Library"
    DefaultLibrary = "./inventory/Libraries.xml"

    ; for the server connector
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.dll:LLLoginService"
    ; for the service
    UserAccountService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    GridUserService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"
    PresenceService = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    SimulationService ="OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:SimulationServiceConnector"
    LibraryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:LibraryService"
    FriendsService = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    ; The minimum user level required for a user to be able to login.  0 by default
    ; If you disable a particular user's account then you can set their login level below this number.
    ; You can also change this level from the console though these changes will not be persisted.
    ; MinLoginLevel = 0

    ; Ask co-operative viewers to use a different currency name
    Currency = "O$"

    ;; Set minimum fee to publish classified
    ; ClassifiedFee = 0

    WelcomeMessage = "Welcome, Avatar!"
    AllowRemoteSetLoginLevel = "false"

    ; For V2 map
    MapTileURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/";

    ; Url to search service
    ; SearchURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/";

    ; For V3 destination guide
    ; DestinationGuide = "${Const|BaseURL}/guide"

    ; For V3 avatar picker (( work in progress ))
    ; AvatarPicker = "${Const|BaseURL}/avatars"

    ; If you run this login server behind a proxy, set this to true
    ; HasProxy = false

    ;# {DSTZone} {} {Override Daylight Saving Time rules} {* none local} "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time"
    ;; Viewers do not listen to timezone sent by the server. They use Pacific Standard Time instead,
    ;; but rely on the server to calculate Daylight Saving Time. Sending another DST than US Pacific
    ;; would result in time inconsistencies between grids (during summer and around DST transition period)
    ;;   default    let OpenSim calculate US Pacific DST
    ;;   "none"     disable DST (equivallent to "local" with system set to GMT)
    ;;   "local"    force legacy behaviour (using local system time to calculate DST)
    ; DSTZone = "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time"

    ;# {DSTZone} {} {Override Daylight Saving Time rules} {* none local} "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time"
    ;; Viewers do not receive timezone information from the server - almost all (?) default to Pacific Standard Time
    ;; However, they do rely on the server to tell them whether it's Daylight Saving Time or not.
    ;; Hence, calculating DST based on a different timezone can result in a misleading viewer display and inconsistencies between grids.
    ;; By default, this setting uses various timezone names to calculate DST with regards to the viewer's standard PST.
    ;; Options are
    ;;   "none"     no DST
    ;;   "local"    use the server's only timezone to calculate DST.  This is previous OpenSimulator behaviour.
    ;;   "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time" use these timezone names to look up Daylight savings.
    ;;      'America/Los_Angeles' is used on Linux/Mac systems whilst 'Pacific Standard Time' is used on Windows
    DSTZone = "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time"

    ;Basic Login Service Dos Protection Tweaks
    ;; Some Grids/Users use a transparent proxy that makes use of the X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header, If you do, set this to true
    ;; If you set this to true and you don't have a transparent proxy, it may allow attackers to put random things in the X-Forwarded-For header to
    ;;     get around this basic DOS protection.
    ;DOSAllowXForwardedForHeader = false
    ;; The protector adds up requests during this rolling period of time, default 10 seconds
    ;DOSRequestTimeFrameMS = 10000
    ;; The amount of requests in the above timeframe from the same endpoint that triggers protection
    ;DOSMaxRequestsInTimeFrame = 5
    ;; The amount of time that a specific endpoint is blocked.    Default 2 minutes.
    ;DOSForgiveClientAfterMS = 120000
    ;; To turn off basic dos protection, set the DOSMaxRequestsInTimeFrame to 0.

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.MapImageService.dll:MapImageService"

    ; Set this if you want to change the default
    ; TilesStoragePath = "maptiles"
    ; If for some reason you have the AddMapTile service outside the firewall (e.g. ${Const|PublicPort}),
    ; you may want to set this. Otherwise, don't set it, because it's already protected.
    ; GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    ; Additionally, if you run this server behind a proxy, set this to true
    ; HasProxy = false

    ; OfflineIM
    OfflineIMService = "OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMService"

    ;; Sets the maximum number of groups an agent may join
    ; MaxAgentGroups = 42

    ; These settings are used to return information on a get_grid_info call.
    ; Client launcher scripts and third-party clients make use of this to
    ; autoconfigure the client and to provide a nice user experience. If you
    ; want to facilitate that, you should configure the settings here according
    ; to your grid or standalone setup.
    ; See

    ; login uri: for grid this is the login server URI
    login =

    ; long grid name: the long name of your grid
    gridname = "*** ***"

    ; short grid name: the short name of your grid
    gridnick = "*** ***"

    ; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this as splash page
    ;welcome = ${Const|BaseURL}/welcome

    ; helper uri: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this for all economy related things
    ;economy = ${Const|BaseURL}/economy

    ; web page of grid: optional: page providing further information about your grid
    ;about = ${Const|BaseURL}/about

    ; account creation: optional: page providing further information about obtaining
    ;                             a user account on your grid
    ;register = ${Const|BaseURL}/register

    ; help: optional: page providing further assistance for users of your grid
    ;help = ${Const|BaseURL}/help

    ; password help: optional: page providing password assistance for users of your grid
    ;password = ${Const|BaseURL}/password

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserProfilesService.dll:UserProfilesService"
    Enabled = false
    ;; Configure this for separate profiles database
    ;; ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;Old Guids=true;"
    ;; Realm = UserProfiles
    UserAccountService = OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:XBakes"
    ;; This directory must be writable by the user ROBUST runs as. It will be created automatically.
    BaseDirectory = "./bakes"

; This is the main configuration file for an instance of OpenSim running in grid mode

    ; ### Choose the DB

    ; SQLite
    ;Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";

    ; MySql
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use mysql storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=******;User ID=*****r;Password=******;Old Guids=true;"
    ; Uncomment this line if you are using MySQL and want to use a different database for estates
    ; The usual application for this is to allow estates to be spread out across multiple simulators by share the same database.
    ; Most people won't need to do this so only uncomment if you know what you're doing.
    ;EstateConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"

    ; MSSQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use MSSQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ; The value for server property is shown in your SQL Server Management Studio login dialog.
    ; (This sample is the default of express edition)
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MSSQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"

    ; PGSQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use PGSQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.PGSQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"

    ; Uncomment the variables in this section only if you are in
    ; Hypergrid configuration. Otherwise, ignore.

    ;# {HomeURI} {Hypergrid} {The Home URL of this world} {}
    ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
    ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server that
    ;; runs the UserAgentsService.
    ;; For example or
    ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
    ; HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;# {GatekeeperURI} {Hypergrid} {The URL of the gatekeeper of this world} {}
    ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
    ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server
    ;; that runs the Gatekeeper service.
    ;; For example or
    ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
    ; GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; Choose one cache module and the corresponding config file, if it exists.
    ;; Copy the config .example file into your own .ini file and adapt that.
    ;; We recommend the use of the FlotsamAssetCache since this is most actively maintained.

    AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache"
    Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"

    ;AssetCaching = "CenomeMemoryAssetCache"
    ;Include-CenomeCache = "config-include/CenomeCache.ini"

    ;AssetCaching = "GlynnTuckerAssetCache"

    ;; Optionally, the port for the LLProxyLoginModule module can be changed
    ;Setup_LLProxyLoginModule = "9090/"

    ;; Authorization is not on by default, as it depends on external php
    ;AuthorizationServices = "RemoteAuthorizationServicesConnector"

    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"

    ; Change this to your grid-wide asset server.  Do not add a slash to the end of any of these addresses.
    AssetServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide inventory server
    InventoryServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid info service
    GridInfoURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide grid server
    GridServerURI = ""
    ;AllowHypergridMapSearch = true

    ;; Directory for map tile images of linked regions
    ; MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ;; Change this to the address of your Gatekeeper service
    ;; (usually bundled with the rest of the services in one
    ;; Robust server in port ${Const|PublicPort}, but not always)

    ; Uncomment if you want centralized estate data at robust server,
    ; in which case the URL in [EstateService] will be used
    ;LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:EstateDataRemoteConnector"

    EstateServerURI = ""

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ;; Change this to the address of your Gatekeeper service
    ;; (usually bundled with the rest of the services in one
    ;; Robust server in port ${Const|PublicPort}, but not always)
    Gatekeeper = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide grid server
    AvatarServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide avatar prefs server
    AgentPreferencesServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide presence server
    PresenceServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide user accounts server
    UserAccountServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide user accounts server
    GridUserServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide authentication server
    AuthenticationServerURI = ""

    ; Change this to your grid-wide friends server
    FriendsServerURI = ""

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ; Change this to your server
    ; accessible from other grids
    HomeURI = ""
    Gatekeeper = ""
    ;; If you want to protect your assets from being copied by foreign visitors
    ;; set this to false. You may want to do this on sims that have licensed content.
    ;; Default is true.
     OutboundPermission = True

    ;; Send visual reminder to local users that their inventories are unavailable while they are traveling
    ;; and available when they return. True by default.
    RestrictInventoryAccessAbroad = True

    ;; Warning: advanced and unusual. Default is false.
    ;; Enables configurations where grids share user services, including inventory,
    ;; while separating regions' assets from users' assets. Asset transfer between
    ;; the users' asset server and the regions' asset server is done in HG-like manner.
    ; CheckSeparateAssets = false
     RegionHGAssetServerURI =

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ; Change this to your server
    ; accessible from other grids
    HomeURI = ""

    ;; The asset types that this grid can export to / import from other grids.
    ;; Comma separated.
    ;; Valid values are all the asset types in OpenMetaverse.AssetType, namely:
    ;; Unknown, Texture, Sound, CallingCard, Landmark, Clothing, Object, Notecard, LSLText,
    ;; LSLBytecode, TextureTGA, Bodypart, SoundWAV, ImageTGA, ImageJPEG, Animation, Gesture, Mesh
    ;; Leave blank or commented if you don't want to apply any restrictions.
    ;; A more strict, but still reasonable, policy may be to disallow the exchange
    ;; of scripts, like so:
    ; DisallowExport ="LSLText"
    ; DisallowImport ="LSLBytecode"

    ; User level required to be able to send friendship invitations to foreign users
    LevelHGFriends = 0;

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ; Change this to your user agent server (HG robust)
    UserAgentServerURI = ""

    MapImageServerURI = ""

  ; If you have regions with access restrictions
    ; specify them here using the convention
    ; Region_<Region_Name> = <flags>
    ; Valid flags are:
    ; DisallowForeigners -- HG visitors not allowed
    ; DisallowResidents -- only Admins and Managers allowed
    ; Example:
    ; Region_Test_1 = "DisallowForeigners"

;; Uncomment if you are using SimianGrid for grid services
    ;; SimianGrid services URL
    ;; SimianServiceURL = ""

    ;; Capability assigned by the grid administrator for the simulator
    ;; SimulatorCapability = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
create user

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